A collection of publications from across all AI and SDG related disciplines.

World Series on AI Event Report: AI for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

World Series on AI Event Report: Harnessing AI’s Power for Health

World Series on AI Event Report: AI and Decarbonizing Construction

IRCAI Launch 2021 Report

World Series on AI Event Report: Data Economy

World Series on AI Event Report: Digitalisation Powering Environmental Protection

Artificial Intelligence and the Rights of Older Persons

IRCAI´s Project Report on NAIADES
During 2020, IRCAI Programme Committees authored an Opinion Series on a range of topics around AI and sustainability, as part of a broader portfolio of IRCAI’s international initiatives. This opinion series explores what AI currently means to researchers around the world and across a wide range of disciplines in both AI and sustainable development, and was led by the IRCAI Executive Board. The views and opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not reflect the position of IRCAI, but are illustrative of the wide range of opinions that reflect the many initiatives IRCAI is pursuing, from basic research to policy making in and around AI.

Opinion Series Report: AI Recommendation Regional Consultation UNESCO

Opinion Series Report: An AI-based Learning Companion Promoting Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All

Artificial Intelligence Needs Assessment Survey in Africa

Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Artificial Intelligence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Powering Inclusion: Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technology

Preliminary Study on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

First Version of a Draft Text of a Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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