Graph Massivizer

Basic information
Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01
Grant agreement: 101093202
Type of Action: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions
Granting Authority: European Commission
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
What is the problem the project is addressing?
How is it solving the problem?
Expected Tangible results
Key outcomes include:
- A scalable and sustainable platform for processing extreme data using massive graph representations.
- Five open-source tools that support the entire data lifecycle, from data ingestion to automated intelligence.
- 70% more efficient analytics compared to current technologies like AliGraph.
- 30% improvement in energy awareness for ETL storage operations compared to Amazon Redshift.
- A two-fold increase in data center energy efficiency and over 25% reduction in GHG emissions for basic graph operations.
- Validation through four use cases that cover sustainable green finance, global environmental protection, green AI in the automotive industry, and data center digital twins for exascale computing.
Graph-Massivizer is a collaborative effort of 12 partners from eight countries, including four academic universities, two applied research centers, one high-performance computing (HPC) center, two SMEs, and two large enterprises. The project leverages the expertise of leading European researchers in graph processing and serverless computing, as well as European infrastructure in the computing continuum. The partners bring a wealth of knowledge in both the academic and industrial fields, ensuring the project’s success in developing and deploying this innovative platform. For more information, visit the official Graph Massivizer website.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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