Federated Decentralized trusted Data Marketplace for Embedded Finance

Basic information
Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01
Grant agreement: 101092639
Type of Action: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions
Granting Authority: European Commission
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 21.12.2025
Website: https://www.fame-horizon.eu/
What is the problem the project is addressing?
How is it solving the problem?
Expected Tangible results
FAME aims to develop and launch Europe’s first decentralized and energy-efficient data marketplace for embedded finance. By connecting with over 12 data marketplaces, FAME will demonstrate the potential of federated data ecosystems and promote the wider adoption of emerging technologies in data analytics and blockchain.
Key outcomes include:
- A federated, decentralized data marketplace for embedded finance (EmFi), facilitating secure and efficient data asset trading and integration.
- Innovative blockchain tokenization techniques for data asset trading, including value-based pricing and NFTs.
- Trustworthy, energy-efficient analytics tools, leveraging advanced technologies like Quantitative Explainable AI (XAI) and energy-efficient edge analytics.
- A vibrant community of stakeholders around the FAME platform, ensuring the sustainability and growth of the data economy.
- A Learning Center for both technical and non-technical users, promoting wide adoption and education in the data economy.
FAME is a joint effort of 32 consortium partners, including data providers, tech companies, and academic institutions, connected with a wider network of world-class experts in data management, digital finance, and technology. For more information, visit the official FAME website.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
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