Award for individuals who have dedicated their work to solving problems related to the SDGs by means of the application of AI.
In 2021, IRCAI inaugurated the AI Award, with a specific focus on the UNESCO regions of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. We enthusiastically invite nominations from all sectors, including research, academia, industry, policy, and civil society. IRCAI is dedicated to championing equal opportunities and firmly believes that all applicants deserve fair consideration, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, or age.
The 2021 award

We are delighted to announce Adriana-Eufrosina Bora, a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Data Science, School of Mathematical Sciences at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), as this year’s awardee. She is being recognized for her outstanding work in Project AIMS (Artificial Intelligence against Modern Slavery). This initiative employs AI to analyse and benchmark companies’ statements mandated by reporting requirements, aiming to enhance transparency and contribute to the eradication of modern slavery.
Project AIMS is aligned with UN SDG 8 Target 8.7, which advocates to, “Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.”
Adriana is an internationally recognized AI modern slavery researcher with over 6 years of experience in the field. During her career, she has overcome challenges and made substantial contributions to policy and research. Notably, she developed the first AI prototype for census analysis of modern slavery statements published by companies as mandated by the UK’s Modern Slavery Act.
As a member of Code 8.7, DataJam, Traffick Analysis Hub, and the MIT Computational Law Report Task Force on Modern Slavery, Adriana actively engages in a global, interdisciplinary community, fostering discussions and collaborations in the fight against modern slavery through technology-driven solutions. Additionally, she contributes to Good AI and serves as a community leader for Women in AI in Queensland, Australia.
Through this award, we acknowledge Adriana’s significant contribution to the SDGs and offer our support for her to present her work on the international stage. This recognition aims to raise awareness about the issue of modern slavery and emphasise how technologies like AI can play a crucial role in its eradication.
Yet, analysing the rapidly increasing number of modern slavery statements has become a time-consuming task. Thousands of statements remain unanalysed, preventing governments from accurately assessing real compliance levels.
The collection, structuring, and analysis of these statements demand significant time and resources. Automation is the key to achieving accountability on a large scale. The Project AIMS prototype seeks to tackle this issue by introducing the first scalable, open-source tool for statement analysis using modern AI techniques.
This innovative machine learning tool serves a dual purpose: to empower civil society and legislators in holding businesses and governments accountable, and to pave the way for a new era of public policy and legislation that fully harnesses the potential of data mining and processing.
Location: Live Digital Event
Date: 17 March 2022, 02:00 PM London (GMT+0:00)
Video: Link to video
This event will focus on:
1. The announcement of the 2021 Annual IRCAI Award to Ms. Adriana-Eufrosina Bora for her important and valuable work on AI to address modern slavery¹ (i.e. an application of AI to address UN SDG 8, Target 8.7).
2. Round table on Artificial Intelligence (AI) against Modern Slavery – a case study for SDG 8 addressing the challenges and opportunities for the use of AI in progressing towards the SDGs. The round table will focus on Project AIMS² (Artificial Intelligence against Modern Slavery) and how it can assist diverse stakeholders, including businesses, governments, investors, academics, procurement specialists, and ESG analysts, to contribute towards the eradication of modern slavery under the framework of the SDGs 8, Target 8.7.
The round table will discuss: Where do we go from here, and how do we ensure that AI is used effectively to hold businesses accountable for eradicating modern slavery from global supply chains? The panelists will present their long-term vision for the tool’s local and international impact. The discussion will frame the case for a Proof of Concept (POC) and the key questions that need to be resolved in the next phase of the project. Concrete use cases will be addressed, highlighting the key stakeholders’ journey as users of this tool and how it will assist them in reaching impact and in ensuring accountability at scale.
The panelists will share insights they have gleaned through the process of working on Project AIMS and from the field of anti-modern slavery work and machine learning. The diverse, multi-disciplinary stakeholder panel is a testament to the breadth of knowledge and expertise that Project AIMS has assembled and feels is necessary to create a successful AI solution in the context of such a complex socio-economic issue.
1.50 – 2:00 Login and coffee
2.00 – 2:20 Introduction
Opening and Introduction 3 minutes each:
- John Shawe-Taylor, Director IRCAI
- Ambassador Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
- Prateek Sibal, Programme Specialist, Digital Innovation and Transformation Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
- Claire Healy, Research Officer, Crime Research Section, UNODC
Introduction into the Award 2 minutes each:
- Davor Orlic, Chief Operations Officer, IRCAI
- Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen, The Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
2.20 – 2:30 Presentation 1
Keynote Speech
- Adriana-Eufrosina Bora, AI and Modern Slavery Researcher at Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
2.30 – 3:15 Presentation 2
Round table on Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Sustainable Development
- Davor Orlic, Chief Operations Officer, IRCAI
Speakers and projects, 2 questions each and debate:
- Yolanda Lannquist, Head of Research & Advisory, The Future Society
- Katharine Bryant, Head of Policy and Programs Walk Free
- Laureen van Breen, Managing Director, WikiRate
- Allison Cohen, Applied AI Lead, AI for Humanity, Mila
3.15 – 3:20 Presentation 3
- Davor Orlic, COO IRCAI announcing:
- Invitation to join the IRCAI Global network of AI excellence centres in Sustainable Development
- Invitation to Save the Date for a side event on May 5 – 6, 2022, on the margins of the UN Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum)
3.30 – 4:30 Presentation 4
A virtual Press Conference will be organised after the event with speakers available for questions:
- Ms. Adriana-Eufrosina Bora, Award Winner 2021
- Davor Orlic, Chief Operations Officer, IRCAI
- Prateek Sibal, Digital Innovation and Transformation Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
¹ Cabinet Office Modern Slavery statement
² Description of the AI components used in AIMS project
Katharine Bryant is Head of Policy and Programs at Walk Free and co-author of the Global Slavery Index (GSI). She oversees Walk Free’s program focused on, ‘what works?’ to combat modern slavery, including the eradication of the exploitation of women and girls. She has worked in counter trafficking and anti-slavery programming and research for the past decade.
Yolanda Lannquist is Head of Research & Advisory at The Future Society (TFS), a nonprofit with the mission to advance the responsible adoption of AI and emerging technologies for the benefit of humanity. She leads projects focused on responsible AI adoption for nonprofits, organizations and governments, including national AI strategies for inclusive and sustainable development. She also leads AI policy research & advisory projects for international organizations including GIZ, OECD, World Bank Digital Development and the Global Partnership on AI. Yolanda is appointed to the OECD AI Policy Observatory’s expert group on Implementing Trustworthy AI (ONE TAI) and taught AI policy at IE University in Madrid. Yolanda has a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University and Bachelors with honors in Economics and European Studies from Columbia University.
Laureen van Breen is WikiRate’s Managing Director. Coming from the Netherlands, she joined the WikiRate team in Berlin in 2016. She leads the organization, overseeing its operations, developing and implementing its strategy, setting up organizational structures, advocating for open data practices, and securing funding that enables the organization to flourish. Her academic background is in Social & Cultural Anthropology.
Allison Cohen is the Applied AI Projects Lead at Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. In this role, Allison works closely with AI researchers, collaborators and funding partners to develop socially beneficial AI projects and maximize their social impact. Allison has a background in International Development and Global Affairs and has worked with the governments of Canada and Sri Lanka.
Dr. Claire Healy is Research Officer at the UNODC Crime Research Section, coordinating the UNODC Observatory on Smuggling of Migrants and conducting research, data collection and analysis on trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. She was previously Senior Advisor and Research Officer on Trafficking in Persons at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), and conducted policy-orientated research on human trafficking, migrant smuggling and migration in West Africa, South America, the Middle East and Europe. She also worked as Advisor to the Portuguese Government’s High Commission on Migration, and as Research Consultant for various migration-related NGOs in Dublin, Ireland. Claire is originally from Ireland, and holds a PhD in Migration History, awarded by the National University of Ireland in 2006. She has also worked as a translator and is fluent in English, Gaelic, Portuguese, German, Spanish and French.
Prateek Sibal is programme specialist in the Digital Innovation and Transformation Section of the Communication and Information Sector at UNESCO. In this framework, he coordinates the Communication and Information Sector’s work on artificial intelligence and digital transformation. His work spans research, advocacy for human centered AI, policy advice and development of human and institutional capacities for the governance of digital technologies. He teaches Digital Government at Sciences Po, Paris.
Kerrie Mengersen is a Distinguished Professor of Statistics and Director of the Centre for Data Science at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and a member of the Australian Data Science Network. Her research interests focus on developing statistical methods and associated computational algorithms, to analyse new sources of data and derive new insights into complex real-world challenges. Kerrie is an elected member of the Australian Academy of Science, the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and the Queensland Academy of the Arts and Sciences. She is also an executive member of the International Statistical Institute and the International Biometrics Society, and a past President of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. In 2016 Professor Mengersen becomes the first woman to receive the Statistical Society of Australia’s Pitman Medal, the highest award presented by the Society. Kerrie has supervised graduate students with a wide range of statistical interests, including theoretical and computational statistics, machine learning and AI, and applications in health, environment, business, social systems and social good. Kerrie is the principal supervisor of Adriana’s PhD.
The Future Society (TFS) is a leading non-profit organization focused on the governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its mission is to advance the responsible adoption of AI and other emerging technologies for the benefit of humanity. The Future Society adopted the prototype built by Adriana and launched Project AIMS in partnership with Walk Free. The Future Society pioneered the development of machine learning in benchmarking the businesses’ reports, by engaging a community of technical experts from across the globe. The Future Society is supporting the fight against modern slavery and hosting the open-source GitHub of Project AIMS. The Future Society remains a key knowledge partner in the development of this research.
Walk Free is an international human rights group focusing on accelerating the eradication of modern slavery, in all its forms. Adriana joined Walk Free in 2018 for a short internship and presented her master’s research to use AI to read and benchmark business reports on modern slavery. Walk Free suggested integrating the development of a prototype to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to benchmark the statements produced by companies under Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act. Once the first iteration of the prototype was ready, Walk Free and The Future Society established Project AIMS (AI against Modern Slavery), which invested in scaling the research and building a solution to unlock the information contained within the business statements. Walk Free remains a key knowledge partner in the future development of Project AIMS.
WikiRate is the largest open source registry of ESG data in the world with more than 3 million data points for over 100,000 companies. By bringing this information together in one place, and making it accessible, comparable and free for all, WikiRate aims to provide society with the tools and evidence needed to spur companies to respond to the world’s social and environmental challenges. WikiRate has been working closely with Project AIMS to develop the first explorations on binary, multi-class and multi-label classification algorithms. In this work, WikiRate is a key knowledge partner that provides the open repository which hosts the labelled data used in Project AIMS. Going forward, WikiRate remains a key knowledge partner in the development of Project AIMS.
Mila- Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute is the world’s largest academic research center in machine learning. Its mission is to be a global pole for scientific advances that inspire innovation and the development of AI for the benefit of all. Mila initially conducted a thorough algorithmic evaluation of Project AIMS. Building upon this collaboration, the research and development of Project AIMS will now continue in partnership with Mila’s AI for Humanity department, whose mission is to support the development of socially beneficial and impactful AI research and applications. This team provides the in-house Project Management skills to facilitate a robust, interdisciplinary, and responsible approach to this work. Furthermore, Mila’s team of Applied Machine Learning experts hope to continue ensuring the quality of Project AIMS’ ML functionality, bolstering the accuracy and reliability of the tool’s algorithms. Mila is convinced that Project AIMS offers a promising example of the ways in which AI and public policy should work together to create social change.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
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