
Basic information
Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01
Project number: 101070284
Type of Action: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions
Granting Authority: European Commission
Duration: 1.10.2022 – 30.9.2025
Website: https://enrichmydata.eu/
What is the problem the project is addressing?
How is it solving the problem?
Expected Tangible results
- A scalable toolbox for seamless data enrichment.
- Improved efficiency and quality of AI and BDA applications.
- Demonstrated use in industries like digital marketing, Industry 4.0, and healthcare.
- Greater access to enriched, FAIR-compliant data for diverse organizations.
With 13 partners across 11 countries—including universities, research institutes, SMEs, and large companies—enRichMyData combines academic expertise and industry focus to deliver high-impact solutions. For more information, visit the official enRichMyData website.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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