Artificial intelligence in the world of work – today and tomorrow

Artificial intelligence in the world of work – today and tomorrow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI), have joined forces to organise 14 events in close cooperation with Slovenian embassies and other permanent missions in 12 countries around the world. The aim of this effort is to set an active agenda for AI during the Slovenian Presidency and to provide a basis for continuing and promoting bilateral discussions in the field of AI and sustainable development beyond the Presidency.

Slovenia cooperates with Japan in promoting society 5.0 through AI and robotics

Slovenia cooperates with Japan in promoting society 5.0 through AI and robotics

Slovenia has put forward many advanced solutions, using artificial intelligence and robotics, for the implementation and creation of a smart society 5.0. We would like to introduce some examples of close collaboration with Japan in the fields of art, industry and in policies in general. The event organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tokyo is scheduled for Thursday November 11, 2021 online.

Enabling accountability for trustworthy AI

Enabling accountability for trustworthy AI

How and what should we undertake to build the evidence base to enable accountability towards trustworthy AI and to ensure global interoperability in assessing and mitigating risks in AI will be discussed during the virtual seminar on “Enabling accountability for trustworthy AI”, organized by the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian 2021 Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the OECD.

The Future of Living

The Future of Living

No one can predict the future of society in coexistence with machines, but it should beclear that our future will be much more predictable if we responsibly decide todaywhat kind of future we want. You can be part of the reflection on AI together withartists and researchers. Join the debate during our 2-days Symposium The Future of Living on 19 & 20 October 2021 at Bozar, Brussels.

Digitalisation powering environmental protection

Digitalisation powering environmental protection

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI), have joined forces to organise 14 events in close cooperation with Slovenian embassies and other permanent missions in 12 countries around the world. The aim of this effort is to set an active agenda for AI during Slovenian Presidency and to provide a basis for continuing and promoting bilateral discussions in the field of AI and sustainable development beyond the Presidency.