
TWin of Online Social Networks
Horizon Europe TWON<br />
TWin of Online Social Networks

Basic information

Grant agreement: 101095095
Type of Action: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions
Granting Authority: European Commission
Duration: 1.4.2023 – 31.3.2026



The TWON project aims to investigate the impact of Online Social Networks (OSNs) on democratic debates by creating digital twins of these platforms. These models, powered by generative AI, allow researchers to study how OSN design choices influence political opinions, polarization, and misinformation. TWON combines real-world data, simulations, and case studies to provide evidence-based insights and policy recommendations for more ethical, democratic OSN design.

What is the problem the project is addressing?

OSNs can create filter bubbles and echo chambers, leading to polarization and misinformation. There is no unified method to understand how platform design changes affect these issues. TWON addresses this gap by developing a new framework to measure the democratic consequences of OSN design and algorithms.

How is it solving the problem?

By creating digital twins of OSNs, TWON simulates various platform designs to study their effects on public discourse. Using AI, real-world data, and case studies (such as COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict), TWON provides a better understanding of how OSNs shape democracy. The project also involves citizens in the research process, ensuring transparency and public engagement.

Expected Tangible results

  • Digital twin models for OSNs to simulate design impacts.
  • Insights into how OSN design influences polarization and misinformation.
  • Evidence-based recommendations for regulating OSNs.
  • Enhanced digital citizenship through public participation.
  • Generalizable findings to inform EU policymaking.


TWON is a collaboration of 17 partners across 12 countries, including top universities, research institutions, and industry leaders. For more details, visit TWON Horizon Europe.


International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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