2022 | Computer Software | Early stage | SDG12 | SDG7 | SDG9 | Serbia

Company or Institution

Vodena doo Kragujevac


Computer Software





Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

General description of the AI solution

Modern way of living, requiring more electrical energy for everyday activities, puts an extra pressure to energy systems. Additionally, global necessity for reduction of the greenhouse gasses emission, switches focus from fossil to renewable energy sources. However, the introduction of renewable energy sources (RES) in the grid has posed several challenges to energy producers and consumers, such as intermittency effect, "duck curve", the growing complexity of stimuli regulations and the calculation of energy consumption. All these challenges change the role of distribution network operators from energy transmitters from producers to consumers, into “orchestrators” of a large number of prosumers, which differ in size, type, and patterns of consumption and production. It is imperative for these challenges to be approached in an intelligent way.
Smarticity is comprehensive energy management tool that completely automate finding of an optimal pattern in energy consumption and production in case of facilities with RES and energy storage capabilities.
Based on the data acquired during the solar power plant exploitation, Smarticity automatically create the most adequate predictive models of the internal energy production and loads, which enable simulation of the data chain for any hypothetic operation plan. The results obtained from the simulations, along with all other grid features and external factors, is subjected to an optimization process in order to find the energy management pattern that will result with the most economical usage of electricity under given conditions. This solution will be offered to end users in the form of SaaS, thus enabling them to optimize energy usage without investment in scarcely available data science and optimization experts, or in the necessary computing infrastructure.


V. Simic, B. Stojanovic, M. Ivanovic. Optimizing the performance of optimization in the cloud
environment – An intelligent auto-scaling approach. Future Generation Computer Systems
2019, 101: 909-920.
B. Stojanovic, M. Milivojevic, N. Milivojevic, D. Antonijevic. A self-tuning system for dam
behavior modeling based on evolving artificial neural networks. Advances in Engineering
Software 2016, 97: 89-95
M. Ivanovic, V. Simic, B. Stojanovic, A. Kaplarevic-Malisic, B. Marovic. Elastic grid resource
provisioning with WoBinGO: A parallel framework for genetic algorithm based optimization.
Future Generation Computer Systems 2015, 42: 44–54




International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana



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