2021 | Brazil | Health | Promising | SDG1 | SDG10 | SDG11 | SDG16 | SDG17 | SDG3 | SDG5 | SDG8 | SDG9
R1T1 Robot

1. General


SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



2. Project Details

Company or Institution

Project Company


R1T1 Robot

General description of the AI solution

The medical robot R1T1 is on the hospital's frontline delivering health care assistance and a security environment in front of the high necessity to provide better and innovative solutions to everyone that needs health aid.




Project Company

3. Aspects

Excellence and Scientific Quality: Please detail the improvements made by the nominee or the nominees’ team or yourself if your applying for the award, and why they have been a success.


Few companies are able to build robots with artificial intelligence, but what makes us different is not what we do, but why we do it. From the beginning, we believe in providing everyone with the best experience possible. We are helping to bring technology to communities in need, we are delivering quality of life regardless of who or where they are. This is the essence of the sparkle in our eyes.

Our solution uses AI at its core in many of its applications. We are changing the aspects of how the health care model is delivered, most notably the experience, the access, and the overall quality.

On the path to achieving these goals, we have been working on the complex and astounding task of creating multiple types of AI systems to support our applications. Machine learning, computer vision and augmented reality, sentiment analysis, personal assistants, text recognition and speech-to-text, are some technics used in our solutions.

Together with its artificial intelligence system, the R1T1 is able to integrate with most hospital types of equipment, hospital systems, electronic medical records, and even the entire area of imaging exams, including 3D reconstruction.

Just by stopping in front of R1T1, he is able to identify your temperature, heart, and respiratory rate, while taking your pressure, detecting your identity and a variety of emotions of yours.

The R1T1 robot has been used in most departments of a hospital, helping in surgeries, evaluating the function’s aspects of organs, diagnostic diseases (we are excited about the AI on this project), treating patients, assisting on the combat to COVID-19, among many other applications.

We also believe in playing an active role in reducing the social distance of people with disabilities. Ideal for recovering patients in the ICU, with Rett Syndrome or sclerosis, R1T1 has a complete solution for interacting with them exclusively with the use of their eyes.

With more than 1 billion views and appearances in thousands of news reports, R1T1 is one outstanding project. Today, we count on the joint development of products and technologies with several world-class partners, publications of numerous scientific articles, and some registry of intellectual property patents.

Scaling of impact to SDGs: Please detail how many citizens/communities and/or researchers/businesses this has had or can have a positive impact on, including particular groups where applicable and to what extent.

Since the beginning of the Project Company, we are being leaders, innovators, and risk-takers who are impacting positively our country. Our work has the potential to elevate humanity and inspire others to act as engines for social good.

The medical robot R1T1 is well-aligned with the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially on promoting good health and well-being, providing health care assistance to those in need regardless of their gender, income, geolocation, or race.

According to research conducted with patients and people directly affected by the R1T1 Robot, it has a 96% approval rate.

Since its creation, the Project Company has steadily grown its impact through the use of AI, robotic technology, and constant innovation of our products and services, with a national presence throughout Brazil. Although we have already impacted millions of lives, there is still a road to travel in order to expand globally. Our diagnostic disease system has the potential to impact billions of people, being especially needed for communities with poor conditions and low access to health care. We work continuously with the goal that one day we can have robots in every single hospital that needs them, and our systems are made available to the whole world (if we can afford it, it will be free of charge).

Scaling of AI solution: Please detail what proof of concept or implementations can you show now in terms of its efficacy and how the solution can be scaled to provide a global impact ad how realistic that scaling is.

With R1T1, we're unlocking the incredible yet untapped potential of using robots in the health care area to support communities in need of medical assistance. We are working to expand our services globally through technology and innovations, so that independent of their geolocation, financial health, or culture they can have access to an exceptional health care system.

Today, we are proud to say that the R1T1 is considered the best worldwide robot in the health area in its field, it was also the first Latin American robot with the telepresence function. Our robots have been working on hospitals effectively for 8 years now, one day you may be served by one.

Financial and cultural aspects as the two main barriers that currently limit the scalability of our projects. For the financial aspect, we are bootstrapping our way through, but smart investments are also welcome to help to scale the projects faster. For the cultural aspect, we are working closely together to educate the new institutions that adopt our technologies.

We believe in working together, to create new opportunities and realize our full potential through partnerships. The Project Company together with its partners is committed to delivering the highest quality in its solutions. We are always looking for opportunities to join the highest level of partner companies. By working together, we can generate new business opportunities while maintaining a focus on creating innovative solutions that stimulate creativity and build the future.

We seek to work with organizations capable of complementing our main activity, helping in the research, development, and expansion of the business as a whole. Likewise, we believe that everyone can win in a partnership process.

Ethical aspect: Please detail the way the solution addresses any of the main ethical aspects, including trustworthiness, bias, gender issues, etc.

We at Project Company believe that robots are about people. In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. That is why we have the inspiring mission to impact people around the world through the use of AI, robotic technology, and innovation.

Today, the use of R1T1 as the first care provider can make a life difference for patients and health care workers. This way, we pay close attention to the ethical aspects involved in our systems. We advocate for building a shared understanding of artificial intelligence, its opportunities and applications, and its risks, and the possible measures to mitigate them.

People can be much more productive when they are supported by technology. This is one of our basic principles for the implementation of our AI systems. Our systems are designed to complement human beings and improve their capacity, but never to replace them entirely.

Creating an AI model that provides accurate predictions will only be successful if it can be explained to, understood, and trusted by patients. Because we develop models based on patients' information, patients want to be sure that their personal information is collected responsibly, handled, and stored securely.

It’s critical to think about the entire journey when it comes to implementing ethical AI. Our AI models have high-quality training data sourced responsibly from a diverse crowd of contributors in order to work effectively. Minimizing bias is one of the tops of mind throughout our model build process, and even after deployment, when model drift can occur. Retraining the model regularly with new data helps catch or prevent bias and maintains the accuracy of the model over time. It ensures the model continues to work as intended, avoiding the introduction of unwanted impacts.

At the Project Company, we focus on creating an ethical, human-centric AI that is designed and developed in a manner that is aligned with the values and ethical principles of society and the community that it affects.


International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana



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