2022 | Education | Promising | SDG4 | United States
KAIT Solutions from Knowledge AI

Company or Institution

Knowledge AI Inc.






United States

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 4: Quality Education

General description of the AI solution

At Knowledge AI (KAIT), we believe that learning should be individualized, and it can be done with AI. But AI needs digital data. We solved the data issue using a digital pen to collect data. Using AI, we combine formative assessments in a mastery learning environment to improve students’ understanding. KAIT empowers teachers with diagnostics and student analytics so they can dedicate more attention to each individual student, acting as SEL coaches, and spending less time teaching facts.

KAIT's approach is groundbreaking because we champion a revolutionary framework that doesn’t require any changes to existing educational structures. KAIT improves pedagogical practices by granting students access to individualized learning plans without burdening teachers or parents. By collecting a wide range of student data that’s combined with our diagnostic software solution, we’ve created an innovative method for measuring student understanding by analyzing the way they approach problem solving. KAIT even distinguishes between procedural and conceptual errors through a comparative analysis of problem solving for individual questions on assessments. From there, our sophisticated AI can suggest appropriate practice problems within a user’s Zone of Proximal Development to optimize their mastery of concepts. With just a diagnostic test, KAIT’s AI platform can provide accurate recommendations for study. Whenever students complete a training cycle, the system gathers more information to further cater to individual needs.

Additionally, every aspect of our product is rooted in neuroscience and educational research. Our program incorporates spaced repetition, varied, and interweaved practice problems for optimal retention rates. Moreover, KAIT further stands out with the KAIT Smart Pen option, which digitally captures a range of data from users’ writing for analysis. We record data 75 times per second using a camera, memory chip and a real time clock. Using the digital pen enables our system to provide even more precise recommendations.

Github, open data repository, prototype or working demo





Public Exposure


International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana



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