2022 | Broadcasters, Radio/TV | Canada | Promising | SDG10 | SDG11 | SDG12 | SDG16 | SDG17 | SDG4 | SDG8 | SDG9

Company or Institution

IOTO International Inc.


Broadcasters, Radio/TV





Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

General description of the AI solution

Goverlytics applies AI tools to official government data to make politics easier to understand and cheaper to present. The rise of ‘fake news’ has been in part fueled by a cost equation which makes it very cheap and easy to disseminate false or misleading content at a time when investigative journalistic newsrooms have become understaffed due to changing advertising revenue models. Goverlytics uses AI to counter this trend, employing natural language processing and machine learning to generate compelling, easy to understand, accurate representations of legislative activity and political discourse. These policy-oriented representations are simple for mass media to ingest using standard broadcast equipment and can also be packaged for distribution as sharable small-screen content.
Our initial experimental efforts in this area gathered national media attention, and we have, in over five years of development, refined our approach to make it easier and cheaper for mass-media outlets to present quality legislative reports, just as they might present quality fact-based weather, traffic, or financial reports. Furthermore, policy visualisations which Goverlytics enables helps populations that may have limited understanding of legislative language to follow complex discourse in more visual terms. Goverlytics has the potential to broaden policy understanding, making it easier for legislators to focus on policy-based sustainable goal-driven agendas.
Currently, Goverlytics is in a pre-commercial development stage, having successfully tested prototypes with commercial partners. Goverlytics tools are cloud-based, capable of being installed wherever there is IP infrastructure. We are currently coding data and improving system robustness for test commercial release within the next 1-2 months.

Github, open data repository, prototype or working demo







Public Exposure

Mentorship Program


International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana



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Design by Ana Fabjan