
The Future of Living

Published on October 15, 2021
The Future of Living on 19 & 20 October 2021 at Bozar, Brussels

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No one can predict the future of society in coexistence with machines, but it should beclear that our future will be much more predictable if we responsibly decide todaywhat kind of future we want. You can be part of the reflection on AI together withartists and researchers. Join the debate during our 2-days Symposium The Future of Living on 19 & 20 October 2021 at Bozar, Brussels.

This two-day multidisciplinary conference and hack-a-deux on the impact of artificialintelligence and art on life is prepared by fourteen members of the Brussels EUNICcluster, led by Slovenia, in cooperation with BozarLab. The conference aims to raise theprofile of the contribution of art and science, research and innovation, and their actorsto the quality of life in the present and the new European Bauhaus.

The conference is curated by Jurij Krpan (Kapelica Gallery, SI) and Pau Waelder (PT).Be part of the future by visiting and you will be intrigued byAI waiting to have a dialogue with you!

Programme and tickets at



International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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