International Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development
IRCAI aims to launch a Journal of AI for SD (JAI4SD) which would be an academic journal seeking academic papers that address the application of novel AI techniques to either advancing Sustainable Development or enhancing the measurement of KPIs associated with the SDGs.
As an interdisciplinary journal, JAI4SD would involve editors and reviewers with expertise in both AI and the domains of the different SDGs. Papers would be considered for their innovation in AI and innovative applications of AI, either contributing to the realisation of the different SDGs or measuring KPIs associated with them.
A typical submission should demonstrate how the innovation has the potential to deliver a significant impact on the realisation of the SDGs through demonstrations of its efficacy. We encourage submissions from all parts of the world, especially where local solutions have demonstrated to have had an effective impact in a specific region. The journal is particularly interested in studies that consider the interrelatedness of different SDGs and interventions that exploit synergies between them or ensure potential negative influences on other SDGs are minimised.
The journal will also include a Communications section aimed at a broader audience, publishing articles with a variety of themes:
- Articles summarising research results from a group of papers, showing how they contribute to a broader agenda that can create significant impact by way of the application of AI to one or more SDGs. The focus of an individual paper could be on a group of technologies that could have a range of applications or on a particular SDG challenge for which a group of technologies working in conjunction can make an impact. The articles will also highlight opportunities for technological innovation or development that could enhance the impact of existing developments, as well as highlighting further technology transfer that would be required to realise the potential of existing research results
- Articles ‘twinned’ with a technical paper submitted to AI4SD, presenting the results and their potential impact to a wider audience
- Articles introducing AI to a broader audience, helping to demystify it, and potentially highlighting the ethical and policy debates about its best use and dissemination
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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