AI and Education
The AIOE programme committee will focus on promoting the teaching of artificial intelligence to all in an open manner and emphasise the impact of AI tools in supporting open education. This will involve organising events such as workshops at conferences, participating in panels, and contributing to the enrichment of general knowledge and understanding of these issues through research promotion. The committee aims to support the legacy of European projects relevant to these issues, such as X5-GON.

Colin de la Higuera
UNESCO Chair in teacher training technologies with OER, PC Chair in AI and Education
Colin de la Higuera is a Professor at Nantes University (France). His research spans various themes, including algorithmics, formal language theory, and pattern recognition. His primary interest lies in grammatical inference, where he has authored over 60 reviewed research papers and a monograph titled “Grammatical Inference: Learning Automata and Grammars,” published in 2010. Colin has actively served the community as a conference chairman, expert, reviewer, and editor. He has organised workshops and delivered tutorials at conferences such as ICML, IJCAI, and ACL. Colin has been the chairman of the International Community in Grammatical Inference (2002-2007) and the founding president of the SIF, the French Informatics Society. He currently serves as a trustee of the Knowledge for All foundation, advocating for the use of technology for open dissemination of knowledge and education. In 2017, UNESCO established a Chair in Technologies for the Training of Teachers by Open Educational Resources at the University of Nantes, which is based on the Class’Code project that Colin helped launch in France, and which he now holds. In 2019, an Academic Chair on Open Education and Artificial Intelligence was created by Nantes University to support his work and he has been the Chief Equality Advocate at IRCAI since 2020.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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