AI and Climate Change
Focused on supporting and championing the application of AI to problems that mitigate Climate Change through emissions reductions and support the sustainable development goals.

Aidan O'Sullivan
Associate Professor in Energy and AI at UCL, PC Chair in AI and Climate Change
Aidan O’Sullivan is Associate Professor in Energy and Artificial Intelligence at UCL Energy Institute where he leads the Energy Systems and Artificial Intelligence Lab and the department’s Data Analytics Research theme. He is also the founding course director for the Energy Systems and Data Analytics MSc, an innovative programme that combines the study of energy systems and sustainability with data science and machine learning.
Aidan holds a Bachelor’s of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University College Cork, Ireland and an MSc in Bio-Engineering from Imperial College London. He was awarded a PhD from the department of Mathematics in Imperial College London for his thesis on Bayesian Latent Variable Models. Prior to joining UCL Aidan was a researcher in the Civil Engineering Department MIT as part of the Intelligent Transport Systems Lab. Currently he is the UK’s representative to the European Energy Research Alliance for the joint programme on digitalisation and expert advisor to the department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Innovate UK on the Modernising Energy Data Access programme.
In media his work has been featured in Forbes, Times and the world Economic forum and he has authored articles for World Energy Magazine. He has been an invited speaker at a number of conferences including the SLUSH tech conference and Australia Energy Week where he gave the international keynote address.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
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