AI and Circular Economy
IRCAI expresses concern regarding the current pace of exploitation of the Earth. With productive use of AI, we believe that we can change and positively influence human behaviour, the primary contributor to this problem. The Circular Economy Committee will require cooperation between all stakeholders at all levels of governance and society, including AI experts and domain experts.

Mitja Jermol
UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning, PC Chair in AI and Circular Economy
Mitja is the head of the Centre for Knowledge Transfer at JSI, working in the area of eLearning and the dissemination and promotion of research results. He operates the VideoLectures.Net website.
Mitja has been involved in 15 FP6 and FP7 projects, including FP6 ECOLEAD-IP, SEKT-IP, FP7 COIN-IP, ACTIVE-IP, and EURIDICE-IP. Before joining the Institute, he headed the research group for distance education and eLearning at a major Slovenian publishing house. Mitja was the conference chair for the 2014 “Open Course Ware Consortium” Global Conference and holds the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning.
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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