A holistic water ecosystem for digitalisation of urban water sector

The project is an innovation action, meaning, the majority of work is focused on implementation of novel approaches / technologies in the water sector.
As climate change intensifies and forecasts regarding potable water availability seeming increasingly bleak, the water sector faces increasing strain. Water utilities will thus be compelled to address water-related challenges with heightened care and responsibility.
How is it solving the problem?
In addition to the “plug-and-play” services, IRCAI, as part of Naiades, is actively developing a “Water Observatory” (WO) website, a platform that monitors water-related events worldwide. The Water Observatory facilitates insights into water-related issues through data analysis and AI, catering to both water experts and the general public.
Tangible results
Apps available in Google Play or AppStore (a direct link is not yet available), Water Observatory website at
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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