Supporting European R&I through Stakeholder Collaboration and Institutional Reform
Horizon Europe INITIATE<br />
Supporting European R&I through Stakeholder Collaboration and Institutional Reform

Basic information

Grant agreement: 101136775
Type of Action: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions
Granting Authority: European Commission
Duration: 1.4.2023 – 31.3.2026



INITIATE is a Horizon Europe project focused on transforming higher education institutions in Widening countries to enhance their research and innovation (R&I) capacity and foster scientific excellence. Through stakeholder collaboration, co-design methodologies, and iterative processes such as R&I Labs, INITIATE develops tailored approaches for institutional reform. The project promotes knowledge exchange, policy recommendations, and collaboration between universities, local ecosystems, SMEs, and public agencies, ensuring sustainable and impactful outcomes. Demonstration efforts are underway in Croatia, Portugal, and North Macedonia, with a long-term vision of forming an Alliance for green energy transition.

What is the problem the project is addressing?

Higher education institutions in Widening countries face challenges in achieving excellence in R&I due to limited resources, policy barriers, and insufficient collaboration opportunities. These factors hinder their ability to act as catalysts for change and contribute to key European priorities, such as the green energy transition.

How is it solving the problem?

INITIATE addresses the challenge through collaboration, co-design, and tailored solutions for higher education institutions. By leveraging tools like the Knowledge Hub and R&I Labs, it fosters knowledge exchange, validates solutions, and refines strategies. Policy recommendations and the Alliance for green energy transition ensure long-term impact and sustainability, driving meaningful R&I development in Widening countries.

Expected Tangible results

  • A scalable INITIATE approach for institutional transformation.
  • Policy recommendations for strengthening R&I in Widening countries.
  • A Knowledge Hub with educational materials and tools for knowledge exchange.
  • Creation of an Alliance for green energy transition.
  • Demonstration of R&I reforms in Croatia, Portugal, and North Macedonia.
  • A roadmap for the sustainable adoption of the INITIATE approach across Europe.


The INITIATE consortium consists of universities, research institutions, SMEs, and public agencies across Europe, with a focus on fostering collaboration and excellence in Widening countries. For more information, visit the official INITIATE website.


International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO 

Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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