AI for Equity Challenge: Round One
In this challenge, organizations are invited to submit proposals for how they intend to use datasets made available through the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) and other datasets to build AI-powered solutions to challenges at the intersection of climate action, gender, and health. Proposals will be evaluated in terms of sustainability, overall impact, novelty, feasibility, data quality and relevance, and representation.
Two winning proposals will be selected by an expert committee to participate in Round Two of the AI for Equity Challenge: Climate Action, Gender, and Health, where the challenge datasets and proposed AI-powered solution will be packaged for the community to work on in the form of a Zindi challenge. The winning AI solutions from these challenges will belong to you as the winners of Round One, and you will also receive support from AWS and IRCAI in the form of technical support and AWS cloud computing credits.
Check the Full Challenge Rules.
Check the FAQ Page.
Submissions close: 4 November 2024
Winners announced: 2 December 2024
The two winning proposals from Round One will be selected as the problem statements for Round Two.
Each winning proposal will receive:
- 3x winning AI models (outputs of Round Two challenges on Zindi)
- $25,000 in AWS credits to develop and deploy potential solutions
- Pairing with a team of technical mentors and domain expert researchers from AWS and IRCAI to help develop and deploy solutions
In addition, AWS will award:
- A discretionary $2,500 in AWS credits to each of three runners-up
- $1,000 in AWS credits to up to 10 additional runner-ups from Round One
Please answer the following questions concisely and honestly. We recognize the usefulness of generative AI tools in completing applications such as this one, and we encourage the use of such tools to make this application accessible to the broadest possible audience. However, the judging committee will reward creativity and original thinking in evaluating submissions.
Addressing data gaps
Need novelty
Scale and scalability
Dataset quality and relevance
Minimum requirements met
Mitigating bias
For the full AI for Equity Challenge rules, please see the Challenge page at Zindi.
"*" indicates required fields
International Research Centre
on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI)
under the auspices of UNESCO
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
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